Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in:
I started in public accounting in 1996, and worked in a number of industries. By 2000, I had settled in the real estate industry.
What is your current position?
Partner in public accounting, providing real estate clients advisory, tax, and other compliance services. I usually work with owners, lessors, and investors in a variety of commercial real estate areas.
Why did you choose the field/profession you are in today?
Like many, I find real estate to be almost a calling. Everything about it fascinates me. I not only work with clients in all aspects of real estate, I also own rental real estate, and invest in real estate.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
With help. Sometimes it’s easy and wonderful, being able to work a flexible schedule and volunteer at my children’s school. Sometimes it’s not easy, during deadline season when I’m working every waking moment. My husband and I take turns being the primary caregiver to our children, depending on which of us has the more pressing deadlines. And if we both have pressing deadlines, we call in reinforcements – our moms!
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career?
When I joined the firm out of college, there was a young female manager who I watched very closely, and who mentored me. We worked in different industries, but she was instrumental in teaching me what I needed to know to succeed in public accounting. After she became a partner, she took some time off to raise children, showing me that this career can be as flexible as you want it to be.