Interview with Jill Tropea, marketing manager at Rock Brook

Jill Tropea
Marketing Manager
Rock Brook
Years with company/firm: 5
Years in field: 25
Years in CRE industry: 5
Real estate organizations/affiliations: SMPS NY
What is your most notable project, deal, or transaction?
I would say the most notable project I personally worked on was the launch of Rock Brook’s recent marketing campaign, “The Team You See is the Team You Get.” By putting our people first and showcasing them in a series of impactful ads, we were able to not only engage our own employees, but the industry at large. Our clients reacted well to our campaign and looked forward to seeing who would be featured next.
Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in, about your current position, and why you chose the field/profession you are in today.
I began my career in marketing 25 years ago when I took a job in NYC at an advertising agency right out of college. After only a short time, I was hooked. Throughout my career, I was given the opportunity to market well-known brands across a broad range of sectors from fashion and beauty to packaged goods. At the same time, my family was working in the commercial real estate industry in NY. Years later, I decided to take the knowledge I had acquired in the consumer market and apply it to the services market. I found the challenge to be both intriguing and rewarding at the same time.
What were some of your early goals and did anything happen to change them?
Some of my earliest goals were also challenges. I was tasked with increasing the awareness of an established engineering firm beyond its current client base. By approaching the marketing strategy as if the firm were a “brand” and creating a breakthrough approach to advertising, helped to create both impact and awareness quickly and effectively.
What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most successful in your profession?
I believe that remaining upbeat and positive definitely helps to better manage the day-to-day demands of a deadline-driven business. I also believe that creativity and thinking outside of the box are crucial to any successful marketing strategy no matter the industry.
Who do you feel was most influential in your life when choosing this profession?
My father was definitely the most influential person in my life when choosing my career in the commercial real estate industry. He spent over 40 years in the business as a Project Executive at a well-respected construction management company in NYC. As a young girl, I watched him supervise some of the largest, most notable buildings in New York City’s history including Worldwide Plaza, Jacob K. Javits Center, AOL Time Warner Center, and many more.
What outside activities do you enjoy during your free time?
I enjoy cooking, attending mass, spending time with my three beautiful children, and Sunday dinners with the family.
What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive graduating from college today?
I would tell any young executive graduating from college today that ambition never fails. Having a college degree is the foundation for success, but you have to set yourself apart through hard work and perseverance. Sometimes you have to start out with tasks that may not be glamorous or exciting, but you have to approach them with enthusiasm and diligence. Those experiences will be the stepping stones to your future.