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Diane King joins NITA as director of operations


Marlton, NJ — National Integrity Title Agency (NITA) welcomed Diane King as director of operations. The industry veteran with more than 35 years of experience has hit the ground running her first two weeks, crossing-training and meeting members of NITA’s operations teams to learn the inner workings of the company. With her skill in all aspects of the title insurance industry, King will seek to uncover areas of improvement that will be aimed at creating greater efficiencies, streamlined processes and enhanced communication.

Prior to joining NITA, she worked as a commercial title insurance examiner and underwriter with Fidelity National Title Group for nearly a decade and before that held positions as assistant vice president, manager, examiner, underwriter and closer within the Congress Title Division of Fidelity National Title Insurance Company.

Said NITA co-owners George E. Duffield, Sr. and Fran Turchi, “We could not be more pleased to have Diane join our team. Her reputation is beyond reproach and the experience she brings is unmatched. After two weeks, she has proven to be a changemaker with ideas and solutions that will do more than create a positive impact internally but also result in benefits to our customers and partners.”

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