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Kinsley to deliver Grimke School redevelopment projects

Master builder receives five ABC Keystone

WASHINGTON, DC — Kinsley Construction, Inc. is proud to announce that it has been awarded a contract to deliver projects at 1923-1925 Vermont Ave., NW; 912 U St., NW and 1966 ½ Street, NW in Washington, DC. The Vermont Avenue property is the former Grimke School building and will be renovated into a cultural and commercial office building. Simultaneously, on the adjacent U Street property, Kinsley will construct a new podium stick luxury condominium during Phase 1 of the project. The African American Civil War Museum, presently located at the 9 ½ Street property, will relocate into the renovated Vermont Avenue building, freeing up the 9 ½ Street building for Phase 2 of the project in which Kinsley will renovate the space to create a residential apartment building.

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