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Women in Business: Joni Sweetwood

Executive Vice President, The Kislak Company, Inc.

Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in: I fell into commercial real estate brokerage. I had been handling REO (real estate owned) for Midlantic Bank (now PNC) when I was approached by the then President of Kislak. At first I didn’t like the business. However, over time it became an excellent choice for me. Why did you choose the field/profession you are in today? I didn’t choose it. I fell into it. However I enjoy it so much it became my hobby- something I love to do. What was your most notable project, deal or transaction in 2019? In 2019 I sold Magnolia Luxury Apartments in Fairfield, NJ very quickly. The developer/owner contacted me as he saw I had recently sold a nearby age restricted luxury property for a record price. I represented both the Seller and Buyer. This was new construction that was delivered stabilized at closing. It was a unique product in that most units had a private attached garage and units had private front and rear entrances.

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