Tell us how and when you began your career in the profession you are in: I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do… I thought about nursing, fashion, marketing... In the early 80’s after getting an AAS degree, college placement set up a meeting at Edwards & Kelcey (E&K) engineering firm for a marketing position that grew to include business development and project controls and development (working on electrification of NJ Transit North Jersey Coast Line and the now Secaucus Transfer Station when it was just swamp land). My father and brother studied engineering, so I was somewhat familiar with it. I stayed at E&K for eight years and during those years went back to school at night and summers for my BS and MBA degrees, then a client brought me to a competitive firm... What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2018? I landed the Master Broker position for Ruth’s Chris restaurant… an amazing client, an amazing brand. I opened both Jersey City and Paramus Ruth’s Chris locations, along with another few dozen deals. How do you manage the work/ life balance? Still working on this... I don’t know if this is possible when you basically work for yourself as an independent broker as it is quite challenging to manage especially since working for yourself requires longer than usual hours, at times weekend, and always 24/7 availability to your clients. My husband and I love to golf, travel and are advocates for dogs, especially Pit Bulls. Something about helping the mis-understood.