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New Jersey-based social impact fund expands its outreach

Procida Funding and protoCapital join efforts to

ENGLEWOOD, NJ — For the first time in 25 years, Procida Funding LLC has retained a placement agent to offer the 100 Mile Fund to the general public under JOBS Act. Since 2011, the fund has served as a powerful open-ended investment vehicle and provided over half a billion dollars in loans to restore vacant buildings, rebuild neighborhoods and revitalize underserved communities while operating mostly within a 100-mile radius of New York City. It was founded by William “Billy” Procida, president of Procida Funding LLC, who has firmly established himself as a social impact expert with over 35 years or experience. In a recent effort to expand its outreach, Procida Funding has selected protoCapital (the capital raising division of AK Capital LLC, a FINRA registered Broker-Dealer) to serve as the placement agent for the 100 Mile Fund – the third fund for Billy Procida. Over the course of his well-publicized career, Procida has posted an average net return of over 13% while making a positive impact in communities and creating economic activity. His time-tested formula for success is simple: “Work your ass off, be honest and do good.”

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