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Women in Business: Jennifer A. Greenlee, AIA, LEED AP

Principal Newcomer Associates Architecture and

Why did you choose the field/profession you are in today?

Architecture was first suggested to me during college visits by an advisor who recognized that I enjoyed art and math. The balance of understanding a building’s context, envisioning and defining space with color, texture and daylight along with creating effective function through coordinated structure and systems meets my need for creativity and focus on efficiency. I enjoy the range of scale from masterplanning campuses, to thinking through the detailing of materials coming together.

What unique qualities and or personality traits do you feel make you most sucessful in your profession?

A large part of my work has been with churches, libraries and board directed institutional and corporate projects. I believe my ability to ask the right questions to help identify priorities, listen well to find consensus, and gauge the level of project involvement each client prefers has resulted in successful projects, referrals, and repeat work. As project team leader for our in-house structural, mechanical and electrical staff, I am able to track progress and coordination of all disciplines through the clients’ eyes. With each project, I continue to ask questions of engineers, specialty consultants, and vendors to grow my education and meet our clients’ expectations. I also hope to make the process lively and enjoyable for all involved – clients and staff- for the dedicated time together.

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