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Governor Carney appoints Williams to Chair Council

Succeed Weston “Pete” Nellius as COT Chairman

NEWARK, DE — Engineering, one of the region’s largest integrated civil engineering and environmental sciences consulting firms announced that firm president Ted Williams has been appointed by Governor John C. Carney as the new chairman of the Delaware Department of Transportation’s Council on Transportation (COT). In a ceremony in Dover on August 14, Secretary Jennifer Cohan honored Weston E. “Pete” Nellius of Rehoboth for his 17 years of service on the COT including serving as chairman. Ted Williams has served as a member of COT under three governors in the past eight years, having been first appointed by Governor Minner and reappointed twice by Governor Markell. Williams said he is “honored by the confidence shown by Governor Carney and Secretary Cohan” in appointing him to lead the Council and he is “looking forward to providing solid leadership and recommendations that will help Governor Carney, his administration, and the citizens of Delaware.” The Council on Transportation is a nine-member advisory panel that serves in an oversight and advisory capacity to the Secretary and Directors of DelDOT and to the Governor on issues relating to transportation and other matters that may aid DelDOT in providing the best possible transportation services.

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