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ASHRAE 90.1 is an energy code designed to reduce energy consumption

By Bob Kilroy, Jewel Electric Supply Co.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, also known as ASHRAE. ASHRAE 90.1 is an energy code designed to reduce energy consumption. Let’s take a look he ASHRAE 90.1– 2013 energy code specifically addressing lighting control requirements. The use of advanced lighting controls to synchronize light levels with sensors such as daylight, occupancy and multi-level control capability are now required for a new building or major renovation project to be considered compliant. All states in the United States must put into effect a commercial building energy code at least as stringent as the 2013 version of 90.1, or justify why they cannot comply. ASHRAE/IES 90.1 has become increasingly sophisticated over the past 14 years, particularly in regard to lighting controls. The 2013 standard attempts to go even further while simplifying understanding and application. The standard, applies to new construction and major renovations (including requirements for lamp-ballast retrofits), and is updated every three years. ASHRAE published the latest version in October 2013.

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